We went to the beach!! We got back almost a week ago but I've been having a really hard time transferring my photos from my phone to my computer.
It was a lot of fun. We went on a couple of day trips to some coastal towns and we went on a really nice hike in the Tillimook Forest.
There were amazing views of the ocean and it was just the most perfect day for a hike.
Chloe had the time of her life, of course. We were really lucky with our weather too. It only rained one day and it was the day we were leaving.
I wish we could take more trips to the coast. There's just not much room in the budget, or our schedules for it. Big sigh,
Going on vacation always makes me happy to get back to work. I started this new card design yesterday and I was able to list a new birthday card in my shop.
You can find it in my shop!
My back has been feel so much better! There are actual days in a row that I don't feel any pain. I think everyday it gets better and because of it, I'm getting stronger. Yay! I think I'll be back to normal any day now.