

3:31 PM

Hi! Wow! It's been awhile. After Crafty Wonderland I kind of took a vacation. I still filled orders and answered e-mails but for the most part I relaxed and tried to take in the holiday season.

It was great! I still don't feel like I'm 100% ready to go back to work, but here I am. I'm excited about 2016. Last year was my best year ever and I'm hoping that 2016 proves to be just as successful for me.

In Bikram yoga we're asked to come to our mats with no expectations for ourselves. We're asked not to predict what we think we'll feel like or whether or not we'll be able to do something. I'm bringing that same kind of thinking to 2016. I think it will help me push myself and I think it will help me handle some of my anxieties a bit better.

I hope everyone is off to a great start this year! I promise not to take such a long time off from blogging again! Or maybe I will... who knows! :)

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