
Portland Art Museum

3:08 PM

Nate and I have been battling colds for almost a week now. I thought mine was over on Saturday so I went out with friends only to be knocked back down on Sunday. 

We managed to get down to the print sale that the Portland Art Museum hosts every year. We always hope there will be some nice prints in out price range, but sadly, there never are. It's still fun to go and look at all the different prints. Most of them you can pick up and look at really closely. You can also talk to the gallery owners about the technique and the artists. It's really fun and if you're in Portland, you should definitely check it out next year. 

While we were there we did a little wandering around the museum. I forgot this piece by Andy Warhol is up. I love it, for obvious reasons.

I'm starting to feel better today. Hopefully this cold will be gone tomorrow and I can be a little more productive than I've been the past few days!


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