
Feeling Better

8:41 AM

My little Suby!

Well, my back is still not doing great. It's better, but it still hurts quite a bit in the morning. I'll be calling my insurance company tomorrow to see if there's a chiropractor in my network. I really hope there is. I'm really over the pain. I've been going to acupuncture at Working Class Acupuncture, and I think it's helping, but I feel like a Chiropractor would be even more beneficial.  

In other news, I got a car! It's a Subaru Legacy from 1997 and I really like it. It's clean, it runs well and it will be great for getting around town. I'm excited! I already feel a sense of freedom. Working from home is great. I love it, but sometimes I would feel so isolated. I realize that it's pretty easy to take a bus, or a Car 2 Go, but even those have their limits. Especially when you have a dog. Now if there's an emergency with Chloe or I need to buy a ton of groceries, I can without having to plan around a schedule. It's a nice little piece of mind for me.

I'm feeling really good about this new week. I think it will be a good one. 

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