Hello S Town
4:43 PM
Chloe likes any day of the week. She don't care.
Tuesday is our Monday and this morning Chloe was ready to get to work, but sadly I was not. Regardless, here I am plugging away at new image sheets, editing a new card design, shipping out orders and relisting some inactive items on Etsy.
New card!
This is my newest card design that was finished on Saturday. I love a good punk rock love song. I feel like every punk band has one. Some have a lot more than one, say for instance The Ramones, whom I believe may just be the kings of the punk rock love song. Anyway, here you have this somewhat angry punk band, angry at the world and everything in it, when suddenly on the next track they come in with this usually slower song, professing how much they're into someone, and can't wait to hang out with them later. They completely switch gears and turn into these sweet, funny, guys/ladies, and I seriously can't get enough of it. I've been listening to punk since I was 15 and I still get a little swoony when I hear "Silly Girl" by the Descendants or "I Wanna be Your Boyfriend" by the Ramones. The Buzzcocks "Ever Fallen in Love" gets me every time.
I had this idea for a Valentine's day card after February 14th had already passed. I swear one of the hardest things for is thinking up card designs BEFORE the holiday. I almost always think of the idea a day or two after the date. And if I do come up with a design before the calendar date, I almost never like it.
Well, at least I have a new design for next year! I can always just make this an everyday card too. I know that the audience for this design is pretty limited, but I really like it, and it feels like me, so I'll do a small run of them.
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Listen Here |
While I was getting all my work done today I tuned into a new podcast called S-Town. It's really good, and if you're in need of a new podcast to listen to, I recommend this one. All the episodes were released yesterday, and I'm trying not to binge on it. In fact I'm coming up with projects I can do that allow me to focus and listen to it while I work this week. I'm on episode 2 already but I'm stopping for today so I can savor them the rest of the week.
Anyway, hope your week is going well so far. It's only Tuesday and we've got a ways to go.