Christmas in June Part 2

10:19 AM

Done! I'm done with 2 new holiday card designs. Whoohoo!

This one is of downtown Portland during Christmas. I love downtown Portland during the holidays. I always get Silver Bells stuck in my head when I head down there that time of year. 

I also made this card. I wanted to create a holiday card that wasn't so Christmas in your face. I wanted a card that was quiet and reflective and what I really love about the holidays, making a cold winter night calm and bright.

I'm hoping to get these added to my image sheets so when I start getting requests for holiday cards I'll be ready!

I thought I would share some good news about my health today too. I've been doing much better these days. My back still gives me some problems sometimes, but I've been working really hard on strengthening my core muscles to support my back. I haven't had any ankle issues lately either! Yay! I've been running a bit the past few months and I've been doing really well, aside from an annoying minor calf strain.

Things are looking up! I'm really glad to be feeling better again :) 

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