Christmas in June

3:50 PM

I've been working on holiday cards today. It's always kind of weird to be thinking Christmas when it's 88 degrees outside, but it has to be done. Buyers are already thinking of placing their holiday orders and I really want to be on top of it this year.

This one reminds me of last November when Nate and couple of our friends went downtown to watch the tree lighting ceremony. 

I have never been to the tree lighting ceremony before. Almost 20 years of living here, and I have never been. I've always really wanted to go but I usually had to work, or the weather was terrible. 

We went last year because we didn't have to work and the weather was chilly, but really nice. It was a great experience. Being there with friends, surrounded by thousands of people all crowded around a huge tree in out pretty city.

I'm hoping to go again this year, if the weather is nice and Nate doesn't have to work. 

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