Spring! Sprung!

5:25 PM

Well, the weekend is over and it's time for another work week. The sun actually came out on Sunday and I was able to get out in the yard to do some work! It's been so rainy I almost forgot what it was like to be out in the sunshine.

Clearing out dead leaves, smelling dirt and fresh compost and being in the fresh air felt so good. Spring always makes me fall in love with my yard. Plants are coming back to life and I'm excited to see them again. Things are green and colorful. My lawn looks like a lush, high pile rug, that I just want to roll around on. I still have several months before the full onslaught of summer arrives turning everything in its way brown and dead yellow, so I try to soak up as much Spring as I can while I can.

Lettuce babies.
I should also be out in my garage painting as much as I possibly can before its too late. From right now until about June my garage is the perfect climate. Anytime after June it gets so hot in there my oil paint starts drying faster than I can paint. It's like working with acrylics. The only problem is I'm having a bit of a painters block right now and I haven't been super happy with any of the paintings I've started. 

I think it might be time to get out and take some photos. Maybe going for a hike or just doing a little urban exploring in Portland. I've been rather house bound the past couple of weeks and I think getting out of this little world would be beneficial. Especially since all the cool, weird, fun things about this city are disappearing at an incredible rate. Gotta get out there and document it before its too late. Before it all looks like we're living in a greener, greyer,  Los Angeles. 

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