
Forest Park Witch House and Boy, Snow, Bird

2:10 PM

I worked on this illustration Saturday. It's of the "Witch House" located on the Lower Macleay Trail in Forest Park. I did a little process photo shoot while I worked on it. The 
Google Photo ap strings all the photos together to create this little animated photo collage.

I think I need to work on taking a few more in between shots but I thought it looked pretty cool.

 This is what it looks like all finished and it's already been listed in my Etsy shop.

I left my copy of The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami at the vet's office last week. I didn't realize that I had left it there until I got home, and it's a 45 minute drive, so I didn't go back to get it. I have to go back in 2 weeks for Chloe's eye check up so I figured I'd just wait until then to get it. I'm really mad that I forgot it there because I really enjoy it so far.

In the mean time, I've been reading Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi. It's SO GOOD. I started it on Friday and I only have a few pages left. It's about family, race and identity. I love it. So, if you're looking for a new good book to read, I recommend this one! 

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