
Walk in the Woods

11:09 AM

Yesterday was so beautiful.

We headed up to Forest Park for a hike. We weren't planning to go very far, because we had Chloe. But, that little dog kept wanting to go further. We ended up taking an almost 9 mile hike with her. 

She might be 9, and only weigh 16 lbs, but that little dog is a trooper. She even wanted to play ball in the backyard when we got home.

We saw tons of blooming Trillium.

And the ferns were slowly unfurling new fern arms.

I've hiked Forest Park many times and every time I am in disbelief that this massive hiking spot is located a mere 15 minute drive from my house. I'm also in disbelief that it is almost literally located in Downtown Portland. How lucky were are to have this. I sincerely hope that it stays a protected park and people get to enjoy it forever. 

Needless to say, I really needed that hike. It was quiet. I was with my two favorite beings. The sun was shinning. It was just perfect. I also got one of the best nights sleep I've gotten in a very long time last night. Chloe and I had a very hard time waking up this morning. 

I'm hoping we can get many more hikes in before the hot summer heat settles in.

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