Let's Do it for Us

1:41 PM

I made art that I won't be sharing today. I think it's important to do this and I need to do it more often. We've become a society of over sharers. I'm guilty of over sharing and I think it interferes with my work sometimes. Does this look okay? what will people think? Will I get a lot of likes/hearts/shares? What if I don't? Sadness if I don't.

I think this can be really hard for those of us who rely on social media to drive traffic to our websites. We're told to share everything and anything so that people can learn about us, our product, our art. I get so caught up in this that I forget that at the end of the day, I make art. That art doesn't have to be shared with everyone. It's meant to be personal. It's meant to put my feelings first, above everyone else's feelings or thoughts.

Also, I feel like some of the best discoveries come from what happens when we're not expecting things. The best outcomes happen when mistakes are made. 

I need more mistake making/me art making" and less "what other people think thinking." Maybe you do too? 

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