
Saatchi Gallery Michele Maule

5:14 PM


I opened a Saatchi online gallery shop about a year ago or so. I was looking for a site to sell some larger, more serious, paintings and I thought it would be a good fit. I haven't sold anything there yet, but I also haven't really promoted it either. That's the thing with selling things online, you are responsible for your own success. 

I think it's a great site and I've noticed that it is possible to be a successful artist there. I do think that the fees are a little high, but they also handle all the shipping for you which is really cool. I'm not exactly sure how that works yet...but I'll let you know once I sell something!

I choose Saatchi over Etsy for these paintings because they just don't fit with my work there. The subjects and mediums are so different, and I want to eventually create a more cohesive Etsy shop.

I'm hoping to become more successful on Saatchi because honestly, I'm starting to run out of room in my house and garage, and it would hurt me to have to paint over any of these paintings. 

I'm also seriously considering hosting an open studio in my garage this summer. I would have to do some major cleaning and rearranging, but I think it would be kind of fun and really cool. Every year Portland has a big open studio tour and every year I miss the deadline to apply. I swear it changes. It doesn't help that the open studio tour is in October and the application deadline is in January, or February or March. I don't know which one because I ALWAYS forget. 

Anyway, I'm hoping to add more art to Saatchi soon but I'd really love if some of these paintings would sell so that 
a) I can buy more wood panels to paint on.
b) Not feel guilty about painting more paintings when the ones I have haven't sold yet.

My fingers and toes are crossed.

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