
Hamilton Mountian

10:57 AM

What a great weekend. It was absolutely beautiful. We worked in the yard, went for a bike ride and hiked Hamilton Mountain.  

We hiked all the way up to the top of the mountain in this picture. It was about 8 miles round trip. We're a little sore today, but it's worth it.

It was so beautiful. The hike had lots of look out spots, great viewpoints, and even a few waterfalls.

We went on a Monday so it wasn't too busy with people. We were going to hike Dog Mountain, but we weren't sure if the wildflowers were in bloom yet, and Dog Mountain can get really crowded. I'm not sure what it's like on a Monday, but I think they have shuttles that take people there now because there isn't enough parking. 

I've only been sleeping about 5 hours a night for the past few weeks. I slept 9 hours last night and I feel so much better today, and I owe it all to this little adventure.  I'm hoping the weather stays nice for our Monday days off. I'd love to do a hike every Monday this summer. 

We didn't do much hiking last year because I was training for the Portland Marathon and hiking after a 13+ mile training run just isn't a good idea. Unless, maybe, you're a Tarahumara Indian from Mexico. Those guys run 100's of miles in nothing but homemade sandals. 

Well, back to work for the week. I'll be listing lots of new things in my Etsy shop! 

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