
Welcome Back

4:19 PM

It was a really beautiful weekend here in Portland.

I did some gardening, we took a little road trip out to Hood River, and we had ourselves a nice little picnic yesterday in Laurelhurst Park.

Hood River

We hadn't been to Hood River in quite some time. It's a really nice little town about an hour East of Portland. It's become a beer lovers heaven over the past few years. Breweries dot every corner and several wineries have started to pop up there too. We ate at Double Mountain, which is one of my favorite breweries. We decided to head down to the water front area to watch people swimming, sailing and paddle board. This is also the area where I will be starting my 4th half marathon! I just signed up today and I'm really excited about it.

A lot of people bring their dogs so there are places to tie them up while you're inside the breweries/restaurants.

After walking back into town, we decided to head across the river to White Salmon, WA to check out Everybody's Brewery. The beers were really good and the view on the back patio was awesome. Sadly, I didn't take a photo because it was really crowded and it would have been kind of awkward asking people to move so I could take a photo of the view. But trust me, it was a great view.

Our picnic in Laurelhurst Park was pretty great too. We packed a little lunch of meats, cheeses, crackers and some wine. We ended up staying there for most of the day watching people and dogs and just enjoying the nice sunshine. Chloe had a blast too. She got to watch squirrels and play with her ball all day.
I was hoping she'd be tired today from all her exercise yesterday, but she's far from it. She's been running around wanting to play with her ball the minute she woke up.

Oh well. It's a very good thing that she has this much energy and life :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  

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