Mini Paintings

7:22 AM

It's early morning and I'm sipping on a nice cup of coffee. Early start this morning because there's a lot to do today! First thing on my to-do list was listing these two new mini watercolor paintings.

I'm trying really hard to get my shop stocked full of original art for the holidays. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is 23 days away! Then Christmas will be here! It's all so overwhelming so I'm just focusing on making new items and getting them listed. 

I'm learning that not all these little freehand watercolor paintings are going to be successful. I was really luck when these four little ones turned out well. I've worked on several more that just didn't turn out so well...

Maybe I'll post them tomorrow to show. I feel like even if they're not that great, there are certain elements that will work in a different painting. 

Have a great Wednesday everyone! 

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