Thank You!

7:27 AM

Thanks to everyone who participated in my Etsy Anniversary Sale! It was a success! 
My next sale won't be until Thanksgiving weekend so mark your calendars!

I've been getting ready for the Buckman Show and Sell this week too. I do a lot of framing for this show because they provide grid wall. Framing is probably my least favorite part of doing craft shows, or gallery shows. If I could afford to have someone do it for me, I'd hire someone in a heart beat! Chloe tries to help, but mostly she just wants to play. 

This was my booth last year. Look at all that grid wall! 
I'm almost done getting ready for this show. I hope it's as successful as it was last year.
Fingers crossed.

I designed new business cards a couple of weeks ago and they came just in time for this show. I finally joined the rest of 2016 and added some of my social media sites to my card. I'm really happy with how they turned out. I love the image on the front. It makes me happy every time I see it. Chloe and Clancy forever. :)

Anyway, more show prep today and some Etsy orders to pack up. Hope everyone is having a good week.

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